Dwight Peck's personal website
Winter 2020-2021
Finally, we hope, seeing the back of Trump
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Click on the photos to proceed
Coming off an intangibly rewarding summer on hydrobikes (and pedalboards) in northern Wisconsin . . .

. . . as the Anti-Masking Freedom Fighters turn Wisconsin into the nation's Trump Virus hotspot, we're bolting back to Virginia with masks on, scrambling into our flat in the Old Y, and double-barring the door for the duration.
Not much to report for Fall 2020, to be honest

Humbling experiences on the Three Bridges walk at Carter Caves Resort, Kentucky, 7 October 2020

An October photo round-up, with a righteous demonstration against civic corruption, October 2020 |

Scenic views of Front Royal and Winchester, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, 7 November 2020 |

Views of Staunton's Frontier Culture Museum,
12 December 2020

The Great Falls of the Potomac and other etceteras, November-December 2020 |

A Neapolitan Christmas crèche, and a surfeit of cats, December 2020 |
Thanks to the Watchful-Angels-Over-Us that 2020's finally done with.
Grand hopes for 2021. Maybe. |

The Shenandoah Mountain Trail & the Confederate Breastworks, 10 January 2021 |

Civic duties in the name of Congressman Ben Cline, and some disappointing snow matters, Jan.-Feb. 2021 |

Supplemental views -- the Frontier Culture Museum and the Sherando Lake Loop Trail, March 2021 |

'Uplands' trail walks to Augusta Springs Wetlands and Sherando Lake, March 2021 |

The Staunton Farmers' Market, and a walk up the Dripping Rock Trail, 17 April 2021 |

The opera in Charlottesville, and more historic Staunton architecture, late April 2021 |
Onward, bravely, into our first summer without Trump since (it seems) forever.
Vaccified, still mostly masked out of habit, finally stepping out for a cautious dinner from time to time, we carry on, like everyone else, as best we can.

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 10 December 2020, updated 2 July 2021.