Dwight Peck's personal website
A visit to the USA, summer 2014
More annual lakeside fun in the Northwoods
A rich variety of watercraft on the lake
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Ready to go (Photo by Marlowe)

We're told that over the long Canadian winter, Young William has been pestering his mom about getting back out onto the lake in Wisconsin. So here we go.

Dmitri pedals dutifully with Will safely lashed to the mainmast.

Off we go: Marlowe in friend Kim's kayak, Alison in another, Dima on the hydrobike with William wired up alongside, and the photographer chasing along in a canoe.

Out to the main island, Adjidau'mo, where the family of eagles lives

Looking for eagles

A little threatening weather on the other side of the island

William disdains threatening weather

Photographer Marlowe

The old dad returning from a hydrobike time trial across the lake (Photo by Marlowe)

A dock, a book, and thou

William and Auntie Alison (Photo by Marlowe)

William wishes to come aboard (Photo by Marlowe)

Really? (Photo by Marlowe)
Alison, William, and Dwight (Photos by Marlowe)

Establishing trust in kayaks (Photo by Marlowe)

The fine points of paddling kayaks (Photo by Marlowe)

A natural talent (Photo by Marlowe)

(Photo by Marlowe)

(Photo by Marlowe)

In reverse (Photo by Marlowe)

(Photo by Marlowe)

(Photo by me)

Lazy afternoon (except for the boys on the hydrobike unnoticed in the background, like Breughel's Icarus)

Mom in pursuit

Family portrait

Exploring the back bay

Returning to port

Water skier Berber preparing for takeoff (Photo by Marlowe)

-- Ready?

-- Ready.

-- Hit it.

And away.

-- Hit it!

And away!

For a bouncy ride (Photo by Marlowe)

-- Again. Again.

(Photo by Marlowe)

William and the paddleboard


Dima and the paddleboard

Marlowe and William

William the Navigator

Mid-lake rendezvous with the paddleboardist

All's well so far

Just trying to help

If ever you fall off, spring right back up again.

Last day on the water

Back at the La Quinta Inn in Appleton: Marlowe, Dmitri, and William to the local airport, Alison and Mark in their hired car to the airport in Chicago.
There's no milk left out for us for the coffee, as promised . . .

. . . so Dima puts that right.

A Wisconsin Cheesehead at the Appleton airport

Cheeseheads rule.

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 2 November 2014.