You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
A bright New Year's Day walk by the lakeside

The marina at the Vieux Rhône, an old branch of the Rhône river entering Lake Geneva, or Lac Léman (or even Genfersee). We're parking the car out here today, 1 January 2016, and cutting off a lot of our normal promenade through the Ramsar Site of the Les Grangettes wetland, 'cos lazy.

Kristin reacquainting herself with the wildlife potentially to be seen within the reserve.

A farm or something along the Chemin les Gleyriers, walking east towards the Grand Canal

A fixer-upper

At the Grand Canal. The secret shrouded Keep-Out stuff on the far side seems to have something to do with somebody's plans to start a fracking operation in the lake. We'll avoid all that ('cos security snipers).

The Grand Canal running out to the lake

A few little vacation homes along the canal (14 in all, who knows how they got permission to put them there, but they're nice)

We're at the lakeside, but the Grand Canal continues about 400 metres out into the lake, possibly to prevent silting up from a sediment dump when the flow hits the lake (the mouth of the Rhône nearby has an elaborate dredging operation right alongside).

Not that there's any flow in it at all today.

From the jetty, that's the Château de Chillon, with the autoroute (motorway) viaduct running by overhead.

The massif of the Rochers de Naye looming over the lake

The whole scene, from Montreux and its suburbs on the left to the edge of Villeneuve over on the right

Back to terra firma

The lakeside and its wetlands are a nature reserve and Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, chiefly because of the birdlife.

That's it for today.