Dwight Peck's personal website

Holes of the Jura

Essays on very, very big holes

Glacière du Petit Cunay

This downward spiral lies in very rough ground on the outward slope of the Creux d'Enfer du Petit Cunay, said to be one of the deepest holes in the world. 2 May 2004

Big icy stalactites, 2 May 2004


Dr Pirri looking into the abyss, October 2006

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en)

Very big holes of the Jura

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 19 February 2002, revised 20 July 2008, 1 February 2014.

Holes of the Jura

Very large holes