Dwight Peck's personal website

Summer 2004

A visit to Marlowe and Dima in Ottawa, Canada

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Downtown Ottawa, Ontario, 2004

The Parliament buildings in Canada's capital city, Ottawa, Ontario, home also of Carleton University, where young Marlowe Peck is beginning her second year. She and Dima live in nearby Nepean.

(left) Dima, Dad (in Loganberry Festival T-shirt), Marlowe, Parliament; (right) "Hit the road, Jack".

Monumental art

Canadian dignitaries

Hull across the river in Québec --

Sorry -- Gatineau across the river in Québec. The city's name was changed in 2002, or rather Hull got sucked into nearby Gatineau in some DeLay sort of political rearrangement.

A different kind of monumental architecture -- the US embassy with its distinctively welcoming look.

The "Famous Five" suffragette sculpture by Barbara Paterson (2000), celebrating the Persons case of 1929, when Canada recognized that women were included in the constitutional phrase "persons". The suffragette in the orange shirt is modern and not part of the presentation.

(left) Emily Murphy and Dmitri Filippov; (right) Nellie McClung and Marlowe Peck

Henrietta Muir Edwards, Kristin Hagge, Louise McKinney

Kristin revisiting the Château Laurier in Ottawa, in commemoration of a sojourn there some years earlier with her grandmother

In the Ottawa street market, Dad (Loganberry Festival T-shirt, left) and Marlowe; Marlowe and Dima.

-- Are you coming, or not?

The National Gallery of Canada, excellent. Thin but profound on 17th century Dutch masters, so the rest is gravy.

Ne manquez pas!

Kristin at Colonel By's Rideau Canal that wends its way right through the town.

Visit to North America, July 2004

Olympic National Park, Washington, USA, July 2004

Hoh Rain Forest and the Quileute Reservation at La Push

Ozette Lake and Cape Alava

Cape Flattery, Rialto Beach, and the Hole in the Wall

Hurricane Ridge and Obstruction Point

Dungeness Spit and Whidbey Island

and then

Visit to Marlowe, Ottawa, Ontario, 2004

The Thousand Islands and Boldt Castle

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 24 September 2004, revised 11 October 2008, 8 May 2013.

Marlowe Tyson Peck